Wednesday, September 06, 2006

release irda-0.1.win32-py2.4.exe

IrDA socket support for Python is a part of another project I created. The traditional way of using IrDA device under python, just is serial/COM port emulation, and is quirky when you want create OBEX communication over it.

It seems to me that python support bluetooth but yet do not support irda. I submited a irda socket patch two months ago, but it must wait for 2.6 because 2.5 has freezed. Then I create the extension for mainstream usage. ( download )

Source svn repository is . irsocket.c is released under python license. Documents, python scripts are released under GPLv2.

I build the binary file with free Visual C++ Toolkit 2003. Integrating the toolkit into python distutils package's bdist_wininst system is easy after reading this article.

If you have interest in irda-python programming, you may test my extension with next scripts:
from irda import *
irdaobject = irda()
devicelist =
print devicelist

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